Taking Legal Action In The Wake Of A Foodborne Illness
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, annually in the United States, an estimated 48 million cases of foodborne illness occur. While the vast majority of those individuals who are affected recover quickly and suffer no long-term damage, thousands are hospitalized and an estimated 3,000 die.
As more U.S. consumers opt for a salad over a burger and fries, it is important to know that the lettuce or spinach you think is good for you could potentially make you sick. At Colley Shroyer Abraham, we help people who are injured by contaminated foods and foodborne illnesses recover the compensation they deserve.
Holding Negligent Food Providers Accountable
As a consumer, when you purchase food at a convenience store or grocery store, or from a restaurant or cafeteria, you have a right to assume that it is safe and free of any pathogens that will make you sick. Unfortunately, some food growers, distributors and processors fail to follow proper food safety procedures and put the health and safety of consumers like you in jeopardy.
The following are symptoms that you or a loved one may experience after consuming contaminated foods:
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Headache
- Severe abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Hot and cold flashes
- Fever
In most cases, while unpleasant, these symptoms are nonlife-threatening and dissipate within a matter of hours. However, individuals who are very young, elderly or pregnant, or who have compromised immune systems are especially vulnerable to suffering more serious side effects that could lead to hospitalization or even death.
Some of the more common types of germs that have been identified as being transmitted via food include:
- Norovirus
- Salmonella
- Cyclospora
- Listeria
- Escherichia coli (E. coli)
- Clostridium perfringens
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Clostridium botulinum (botulism)
Ohio Lawyers Representing Food Contamination Victims
In most cases, restaurants and other food suppliers can prevent the outbreak and spread of foodborne illnesses by establishing and following strict food safety protocols with regard to how food products and ingredients are stored, handled, prepared and served.
Additionally, it is important to engender a culture where employees who are ill do not feel pressured to work while sick. Providing paid sick time for sick employees and implementing strict policies for sending sick employees home can be effective in preventing contamination.
If you or a loved one contracted a foodborne illness and suffered harm, injury or financial losses as a result, it is important to explore your legal options. Call an attorney at our Columbus law firm at 614-678-5072 or contact us online today.