The Difference Between Medical Malpractice And Medical Negligence
We trust medical professionals to provide us with high-quality medical care. In some cases, however, patients’ trust and confidence can be breached. Medical professionals are humans and can make mistakes – but certain mistakes cannot simply be pushed under the rug.
If you believe that a medical error was the cause of your injury or a loved one’s death, Colley Shroyer Abraham can help determine if legal action is appropriate. Before our initial consultation, it is critical to understand the difference between medical error and medical malpractice to find out if you may have a case.
Was Your Care Provider Negligent?
Negligence occurs if a medical professional ignores risks or fails to take action when caring for a patient. The vast majority of medical errors that result in injuries or deaths are classified as acts of negligence. To prove that a doctor, nurse, dentist or chiropractor acted negligently, we will call on expert medical witnesses who can testify that your provider breached the standard of care required.
Intent Is Key In Medical Malpractice Claims
Just because a medical professional is negligent does not mean that they committed malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs if a provider intentionally fails to provide a certain level of care of a patient and their failure results in a patient’s injury or death. In malpractice cases, the provider knew or should have known that their actions or inaction could have harmed the patient.
Do Not Try To Handle A Claim On Your Own. Call Now.
The fact is that every interaction with a medical provider or facility comes with some degree of uncertainty and risk. These factors make proving medical negligence and malpractice incredibly challenging. We have a successful track record of helping people who are victims of medical negligence malpractice recover the compensation they need to heal and move forward.
To schedule a free consultation to speak with a lawyer at our Columbus law firm, call 614-678-5072. You can also submit an inquiry about your case through our online contact form. We will explain the difference between medical errors and malpractice and tell you if you have a claim.