Fighting For The Rights Of Injured Parties For Over 50 Years

With over half a century of experience the lawyers at Colley Shroyer Abraham have recovered over $250 million for our clients. Every day we stand up for the rights of people who have been injured due to the acts of negligence by others. Since our founding in 1977, we have taken a large number of cases to trial and will not hesitate to argue your case to a jury when the opposition is unwilling to provide the appropriate settlement. Obtaining the maximum value for your injury is what we do.
Daniel N. Abraham and David I. Shroyer

We Serve Clients In Columbus, Ohio, and the surrounding communities who have been injured.

Medical Malpractice

Car & Vehicle Accidents

Premises Liability

Train Accidents and FELA Claims

Fighting For You And Your Rights After An Accident

When you are injured in an accident, you need someone to look out for your best interests. The insurance company won’t do that, but we will. When the opposition is unwilling to provide you with the appropriate settlement, we fight hard for our clients’ rights in the courtroom. Our reputation for not backing down, along with our extensive jury trial experience means our opponents know we don’t back down from working for our clients.

Our founding law partner, Michael Colley, was elected president of both the American Association for Justice and the American Board of Trial Advocates, which are among the most prestigious legal organizations in the country. Our attorneys are adjunct professors at law schools, authors of respected legal texts and lecturers for other legal professionals. We are truly dedicated to the law.

You Deserve The Time And Resources To Heal

Our Blog

Your wrongful death case: selecting an attorney

When tragedy strikes and you lose a loved one due to someone else's negligence or wrongdoing, it can feel overwhelming. In such situations, it is important to find the right wrongful death attorney to guide you through the legal process and help you seek the justice...

Motorcycle safety awareness as roads thaw

As winter gives way to spring, roads begin to thaw, and the warmer weather invites more motorcyclists to hit the road. This increase in traffic also raises the risk of accidents. As a rider, you can do your part to ensure road safety by following a few key reminders...

4 important parts to check on your motorcycle this spring

As the cold grip of winter loosens, and the days grow longer and warmer, you may eagerly prepare to hit the open road on your motorcycle once more. However, before revving up those engines and embarking on your springtime adventures, it is important to make sure your...

Your wrongful death case: what is wrongful death?

Losing a loved one is a painful experience, especially when their death results from someone else's negligence or wrongdoing. This is often referred to as a wrongful death. What exactly does wrongful death mean? Defining wrongful death Wrongful death refers to a...

If you are injured in an accident, these are the guys to call. I wasn’t sure what to do until I talked to David Shroyer who made me feel as if I was his only client. Their entire team worked to ensure I was compensated for my injury, which was not my fault. Experience really does matter.

Colley Shroyer Abraham Legal Team

You Are Not Alone