A mother’s heart is broken, and a family is mourning the loss of their loved one. This devastating loss resulted from a tragic drunk driving accident, and the family is forced to relive this nightmare with every court appearance. In Ohio, and in every other state, drunk driving accidents will forever impact all parties involved.
In May 2016, a man was accused of causing an accident while driving drunk. He had been driving a vehicle that claimed the life of a teen just days before he was to graduate from Crestview High School. He has now pleaded guilty to seven different charges that include aggravated vehicular homicide, and he is facing up to six years in prison.
The victim would have become a father less than six months after the accident that took his life. The family sits in a state of constant emotional turmoil, knowing that all they have are memories, and that a newborn will never know his father. It is likely heart-wrenching for the family to watch the accused leave the courtroom, knowing their son will never be with them again. The victim’s mother says she needs closure so that she may put her son to rest.
The stress of that one decision to drive drunk can affect entire families, and a drunk driving accident that claims a life will forever haunt everyone involved. The emotional distress and long-term effects can be staggering, and some may never recover. In Ohio, a diligent and well-informed personal injury attorney can consider the victims’ claims, decide what steps to take and offer strong, solid representation for all involved.
Source: wkbn.com, “Teen charged in deadly Columbiana Co. drunk driving crash pleads guilty“, Alexis Walters, Nov. 15, 2017